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Optoelectronics and photonics principles and practices pdf free download

Optoelectronics and photonics principles and practices pdf free download

Optoelectronics and Photonics, Principles and Practices. S O Kasap. Prentice Hall,,Blog Archive

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Optical Tunneling When medium B is thin thickness d is small , the field penetrates from the AB interface into medium B and reaches BC interface, and gives rise to a transmitted wave in medium C. The effect is the tunneling of the incident beam in A through B to C. The maximum field Emax of the evanescent wave in B decays in B along y and but is finite at the BC boundary and excites the transmitted wave. Beam Splitters Frustrated Total Internal Reflection FTIR a A light incident at the b Two prisms separated by a thin low long face of a glass prism refractive index film forming a beam-splitter suffers TIR; the prism cube.

The incident beam is split into two deflects the light. beams by FTIR. Beam splitter cubes Courtesy of CVI Melles Griot Two prisms separated by a thin low refractive index film forming a beam- splitter cube. The incident beam is split into two beams by FTIR. Optical Tunneling Light propagation along an Coupling of laser light into a thin layer optical guide by total - optical guide - using a prism. The internal reflections light propagates along the thin layer. Light becomes reflected by the surface of an optically denser higher refractive index medium. In external reflection at through zero at the Brewster angle, qp. At qp, the reflected normal incidence there is a phase shift of °. Intensity, Reflectance and Transmittance Reflectance R measures the intensity of the reflected light with respect to that of the incident light and can be defined separately for electric field components parallel and perpendicular to the plane of incidence.

Example: Reflection at normal incidence. Internal and external reflection Consider the reflection of light at normal incidence on a boundary between a glass medium of refractive index 1. a If light is traveling from air to glass, what is the reflection coefficient and the intensity of the reflected light with respect to that of the incident light? b If light is traveling from glass to air, what is the reflection coefficient and the intensity of the reflected light with respect to that of the incident light? c What is the polarization angle in the external reflection in a above? How would you make a polaroid from this? Solution a The light travels in air and becomes partially reflected at the surface of the glass which corresponds to external reflection. Then, n1  n2 1 1. b The light travels in glass and becomes partially reflected at the glass-air interface which corresponds to internal reflection.

Then, n1  n2 1. The reflectance is again 0. In both cases a and b the amount of reflected light is the same. surface at the polarization angle. Arago in S. Transmittance Transmittance T relates the intensity of the transmitted wave to that of the incident wave in a similar fashion to the reflectance. However the transmitted wave is in a different medium and further its direction with respect to the boundary is also different due to refraction. For normal incidence, the incident and transmitted beams are normal so that the equations are simple: S. Reflection and Transmission — An Example Question A light beam traveling in air is incident on a glass plate of refractive index 1. What is the Brester or polarization angle?

What are the relative intensities of the reflected and transmitted light for the polarization perpendicular and parallel to the plane of incidence at the Brestwer angle of incidence? angle qp. We now have Solution Light is traveling in air and is incident on the glass surface at the polarization to use Fresnel's equations to find the reflected and transmitted amplitudes. Notice the negative sign S. Reflection and Transmission — An Example To find the transmittance for each polarization, we need the refraction angle qt. If we were to reflect light from a glass plate, keeping the angle of incidence at The transmitted light will have the field greater in the plane of incidence, that is, it will be partially polarized. By using a stack of glass plates one can increase the polarization of the transmitted light. This type of pile-of-plates polarizer was invented by Dominique F. Arago in The free space a What should be the minimum incidence angle for TIR? wave into medium 2 when S.

phase shift in the reflected wave. Only the phase changes. Example: Antireflection coatings on solar cells When light is incident on the surface of a semiconductor it becomes partially reflected. Partial reflection is an important energy loss in solar cells. Illustration of how an antireflection coating reduces the reflected light intensity. We can coat the surface of the semiconductor device with a thin layer of a dielectric material, e. Si3N4 silicon nitride that has an intermediate refractive index. Some of it becomes reflected as A in the figure. Wave A has experienced a ° phase change on reflection because this is an external reflection.

Incident light n1 n2 n3 When B reaches A, it has suffered a A total delay of traversing the thickness d B C of the coating twice. To reduce the reflected light, A and B must interfere destructively. Thus S. We need proved coefficient between the air and coating is equal to that cell,  3. Thus, Si3N4 is a good choice as an between the coating and the semiconductor. For a Si solar antireflection coating material on Si solar cells. Dielectric Mirror or Bragg Reflector Schematic illustration of the principle of the dielectric mirror with many low and high refractive index layers S. give rise to a substantial reflected light. If there are sufficient S. Dielectric mirrors are widely used in modern vertical cavity surface emitting semiconductor lasers. Calculate the maximum reflectance of the mirror when the number N of double layers is 4 and What is the bandwidth and what happens to the reflectance if you interchange the high and low index layers?

Suppose we use a Si wafer as the substrate, what happens to the maximum reflectance? For 4 pairs of layers, the maximum reflectance R4 is  1. For 12 pairs of layers, the maximum reflectance R12 is  1. The refractive index contrast is important. For the TiO2-SiO2 stack we only need 4 double layers to get roughly the same reflectance as from 12 pairs of layers of Ta2O5-SiO2. If we interchange nH and nL in the pair stack, i. Complex Refractive Index for CdTe CdTe is used in various applications such as lenses, wedges, prisms, beam splitters, m.

It is used as an optical material for low power CO2 laser applications. antireflection coatings, windows etc operating typically in the infrared region up to 25 S. Example: Complex Refractive Index for CdTe Calculate the absorption coefficient  and the reflectance R of CdTe at the Reststrahlen peak, and also at 50 m. What is your conclusion? Solution: At the Reststrahlen peak,   70 m, K  6, and n  4. Temporal and Spatial Coherence a A sine wave is perfectly coherent and contains a well-defined frequency uo. b A finite wave train lasts for a duration t and has a length l.

It has a coherence time t and a coherence length . c White light exhibits practically no coherence. Temporal and Spatial Coherence u  1 t S. Temporal and Spatial Coherence t No interference Interference No interference a A B Time Source P b c Spatially coherent source Q c c An incoherent beam Space a Two waves can only interfere over the time interval t. b Spatial coherence involves comparing the coherence of waves emitted from different locations on the source. c An incoherent beam S. with two end plates that act as reflectors. The end There are three piezoelectric transducers that can tilt the end plates and hence obtain perfect alignment. Courtesy of Light Machinery S. Optical Resonator Fabry-Perot Optical Cavity Schematic illustration of the Fabry-Perot optical cavity and its properties. a Reflected waves interfere. b Only standing EM waves, modes, of certain wavelengths are allowed in the cavity.

c Intensity vs. frequency for various modes. R is mirror reflectance and lower R means higher loss from the cavity. Note: The two curves are sketched so that the maximum intensity is unity S. Optical Resonator Fabry-Perot Optical Cavity Each allowed EM oscillation is a cavity mode S. Fused silica etalon A 10 GHz air spaced etalon Courtesy of Light Machinery with 3 zerodur spacers. Fabry-Perot etalons can be made to operate from UV to IR wavelengths with optical cavity spacings from a few microns to many centimeters Courtesy of IC Optical Systems Ltd. Piezoelectric transducer controlled Fabry-Perot etalons. Left has a 70 mm and the right has 50 mm clear aperture. The piezoelectric controller maintains the reflecting plates parallel while the cavity separation is scanned. The left etalon has a reflection of interference fringes that are on the adjacent computer display Courtesy of IC Optical Systems Ltd.

A scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer Model SA , used as a spectrum analyzer, that has a free spectral range of 1. The cavity length is 5 cm. It uses two concave mirrors instead of two planar mirrors to form the optical cavity. A piezoelectric transducer is used to change the cavity length and hence the resonant frequencies. A voltage ramp is applied through the coaxial cable to the piezoelectric transducer to scan frequencies. Courtesy of Thorlabs S. Example: An Optical Resonator in Air Consider a Fabry-Perot optical cavity in air of length microns with mirrors that have a reflectance of 0. Calculate the cavity mode nearest to the wavelength nm, and corresponding wavelength. Example: Semiconductor Optical Cavity Consider a Fabry-Perot optical cavity of a semiconductor material of length microns with mirrors, each with a reflectance of 0.

Calculate the cavity mode nearest to nm. Calculate the separation of the modes, finesse, the spectral width of each mode, and the Q-factor. Example: Semiconductor Optical Cavity Solution: Continued Mode number m corresponding to nm is 2 3. Diffraction A light beam incident on a small circular aperture becomes diffracted and its light intensity pattern after passing through the aperture is a diffraction pattern with circular bright rings called Airy rings. If the screen is far away from the aperture, this would be a Fraunhofer diffraction pattern. Diffraction image obtained by SK S.

Diffraction from a Circular Aperture A light beam incident on a small circular aperture becomes diffracted and its light intensity pattern after passing through the aperture is a diffraction pattern with circular bright rings called Airy rings. Image obtained by SK. Overexposed to highlight the outer rings S. Diffraction Huygens-Fresnel principle Every unobstructed point of a wavefront, at a given instant in time, serves as a source of spherical secondary waves with the same frequency as that of the primary wave. The amplitude of the optical field at any point beyond is the superposition of all these wavelets considering their amplitudes and relative phases S. Diffraction secondary waves spherical waves. The spherical wavefronts are separated by . The new a Huygens-Fresnel principle states that each point in the aperture becomes a source of wavefront occurs at an angle q to the z-direction which is a diffracted wave. wavefront is the envelope of the all these spherical wavefronts.

b Another possible S. Diffraction from a Single Slit slit. The aperture is divided into N number of point sources each occupying y with amplitude a The aperture has a finite width a along y, but it is very long along x so that it is a one-dimensional proportional to y since the slit is excited by a plane electromagnetic wave. b The intensity distribution in the received light at the screen far away from the aperture: the diffraction pattern. Note that the slit is very long along x and there is no diffraction along this dimension. c Diffraction patter obtained by using a laser beam from a pointer incident on a single slit. Diffraction from a Single Slit S. Diffraction from a Rectangular Aperture b a The rectangular aperture of dimensions a × b on the left gives the diffraction pattern on the right.

b is twice a Image obtained by SK. Overexposed to highlight the higher order lobes. Diffraction from a Square Aperture Diffraction pattern far away from a square aperture. The image has been overexposed to capture the faint side lobes Image obtained by SK S. Diffraction from a Circular Aperture Diffraction pattern far away from a circular aperture. The image has been overexposed to capture the faint outer rings By SK. George Airy was a professor of astronomy 0 at Cambridge and then the Astronomer Royal at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England.

Bessel function first kind, first order S. Rayleigh Criterion Resolution of imaging systems is limited by diffraction effects. As points S1 and S2 get closer, eventually the Airy patterns overlap so much that the resolution is lost. The Rayleigh criterion allows the minimum angular separation two of the point sources be determined. Schematic illustration inasmuch as the side lobes are actually much smaller  the center peak. Rayleigh Criterion Image of two point sources captured through a small circular aperture. a The two points are fully resolved since the diffraction patterns of the two sources are sufficiently separated. b The two images near the Rayleigh limit of resolution. c The first dark ring through the center of the bright Airy disk of the other pattern. Images by SK S. Resolution of the Human Eye The human eye has a pupil diameter of about 2 mm. What would be the minimum angular separation of two points under a green light of nm and their minimum separation if the two objects are 30 cm from the eye?

If the refractive index n  1. Experimental Diffraction Patterns Overexposed photo by SK with a diameter of 30 m Diffraction from a circular aperture Green laser pointer used at a wavelength of nm S. Experimental Diffraction Patterns Overexposed photo by SK Crossed slits x m Green laser pointer used at a wavelength of nm S. Diffraction Grating a A diffraction grating with N slits in an opaque screen. b The far-field diffracted light pattern. There are distinct, that is diffracted, beams in certain directions schematic. c Diffraction pattern obtained by shining a beam from a red laser pointer onto a diffraction grating. The finite size of the laser beam results in the dot pattern. The wavelength was nm, red, and the grating has lines per inch. Diffraction Gratings a Ruled periodic parallel scratches on a glass serve as a transmission grating. The glass plate is assumed to be very thin. b A reflection grating. An incident light beam results in various "diffracted" beams.

The zero-order diffracted beam is the normal reflected beam with an angle of reflection equal to the angle of incidence. The side of a triangular groove make an angle  to the plane of the diffraction angle. a A blazed grating. b When the incident beam is not normal, the specular S. Example: A reflection grating period d that is 10 m. Find the Consider a reflection grating with a diffracted beams if a collimated light wave of wavelength nm is incident on the grating at an angle of 45 to its angle  if we were to use the blazed normal. What should be the blazing grating with the same periodicity? What periodicity is reduced to 2 m? We can separate wavelengths by using a diffraction grating Useful in Wavelength Division Multiplexing S. Example on Wavelength Separation by Diffraction A transmission diffraction grating has a periodicity of 3 m. The angle of incidence is 30 with respect to the normal to the diffraction grating.

What is the angular separation of the two wavelength component s at nm and nm, separated by 10 nm? Bright rings S. Reflectance and Transmittance of a Thin Film Coating a Reflectance R and transmittance T vs. EXAMPLE: Transmission spectra through a thin film a-Se on a glass substrate Substrate Thin film interference fringes Absorption region S. If the film thickness is nm, find the minimum and maximum reflectances and transmittances and their corresponding wavelengths in the visible range. Assume normal incidence. Rayleigh Scattering I  1 cos2 q a Rayleigh scattering involves the polarization of a small dielectric particle or a region that is much smaller than the light wavelength. The field forces dipole oscillations in the particle by polarizing it which leads to the emission of EM waves in "many" directions plot of the dependence of the intensity of the scattered light on the angular direction q with so that a portion of the light energy is directed away from the incident beam.

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